A sanctuary of joy and beauty, seamlessly blending harmonious design elements to create an ethereal daily living experience. Where everyday feels like a vacation.

    Disclaimer: “Aaradhya OnePark” (“Project”) is being developed by MICL Creators LLP (“Promoter”) and is registered by the Promoter via MahaRERA registration no.P51800054477. The details of the said Project are available on the website of MahaRERA at under registered projects. All Brochures/ Leaflets/ Pamphlets/ ads/ walk through presentations/ master plan/ layout plan or any other document containing photographs, images, designs, plans, specifications, layout, height, dimensions, facilities, vegetation, features, furniture & fixtures, amenities and communication, are merely an artistic impression and imagination and may vary to actual project on site. The actual and physical features, amenities and facilities in the said Project or the flat will be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the competent authorities. The said Project is mortgaged in favour of ICICI Bank Limited (“Lender”). No Objection Certificate from the Lender will be provided for sale of flat in the said Project, if required. T&C Apply.

    Buying a house in Mumbai – Why people love living & working here

    • MICL Group
    • April 11, 2022

    Mumbai – the city of dreams is a place that inspires you at each step. Mumbai is a land, that has a population of almost that of Australia. Hence, we see plenty of people, each with a dream of his own. On asking people about what they love most about Mumbai, they had the most interesting answers.

    Living in Mumbai comes added life into your life. This means, that Mumbai and the people of Mumbai teach you how to sustain in all kinds of situations. It teaches you to be tough, adapt to changes and still live life to the fullest in a busy day. People from all parts of the country come here to seek a way to their dreams. Real estate developers in Mumbai keep coming up with  new projects  to cater to people’s dwelling needs. The number of  ongoing projects in Mumbai  keeps increasing because of the population increase. Hence, with the growing demand for homes, people still find a place for shelter here. Following are just few of the reasons that people will always see Mumbai as their dream destination:

    1. The amazing moving phenomenon called the ‘locals’
    The Mumbai locals are the most preferable conveyance options of the city. Even if you want to travel from one end of the city to another, you will find an easy, fast and extremely cheap way to reach the place. Mumbai locals are the lifelines for the working class too, as reaching office on time depends on these railways each day.

    2. A comparatively safer city
    With so many people making the city their home each year, we must say that Mumbai is comparatively one of the safest cities in the country. A woman doesn’t really have to worry about reaching back home late night. The warm, helping people of the city make lives much more comfortable. You can get a mode of conveyance even at 12 am, hence making this place great to move freely even at night.

    3. Appreciation to art
    Along with the film culture that runs in the veins of all film buffs in India, Mumbai is also a great place for art connoisseurs. From dance to music, and theatre to fine art, one will find the best of everything they want to savour in the artistic world. A list of renowned artistes, have found recognition in this city such as Bombay Jayshree, and many more.

    4. Find yourself by the bay
    When in doubt, just back up and have a tête-à-tête with the sea and the many beaches and of course the Queen’s Necklace. Nothing can beat the calmness of the sea, that goes contrary with the hustle and bustle of the city. What a balance! One can find that amount of serenity in the city that has an answer to all problems of life.

    Mumbai is indeed a city that never sleeps. You will never see a building in Mumbai with all lights out; because there is someone up, working on his dreams. There are a lot of things that are amazing, good and bad about Mumbai. The moments you share, the sights we see and experiences that the city lets us go through – that is what makes you fall in love with Mumbai. So, having a home here will not just be fun, it’ll be a dream come true.

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